Monday, January 21, 2008

"Our New Logo"- An Historic Change!

Hey! Rotaractors around the globe! is our new exiting new logo of Rotaract Club of East Coast!..freaky Check it out. Your comments are welcome! We all convey our special thanks to our fellow club member Rrt.Arunprakash who was more instrumental in bringing this new logo alive with his artistic skills!..hats off dude!

Meaning of this new design! we feel A rotaract club logo make sense for many, the reason, it speaks on the objective of the club and acclaims its moto!. Here we present our logo! its sense many things! first we shall start with person standing with the flag! lifting high to sky, none other the rotaractors of our club. Then the flag fly right from top to bottom. shows that we are here to lead and learn from all communities. Leadership is the mantra of the flagged person.The Dolphin which is one of the most loved species in East Coast across all nations shows our love to the Mother Earth. Freaky never the last, the Sun resembles that we never forget to rise to on occasions. "great work dudes!"

With Luv
Rrt.Murthy N
Rotaract Club Of East Coast

Friday, January 18, 2008

"Vizhuthugal"-Career management program

"Vizhuthugal " the name given in Tamil refers to the tentacles of banyan trees, This specific name given to this project, the reason why ? arises. We all believe in this name!!! hats off to the brains which worked on naming the project. Enough into the naming part, lets
get into the reason for the project, we the rotaractors who always anticipated for this project the whole year long!, geared up this year too! Feb 10&11 would be the happening day for it!

What is it all about!
this project is all about a career management class for the rural area children of below the age group of 16, including both the genders. the program will be a two days and one night stay! In the span of two days, they would be trained on many arenas like education, attitude, health etc. Best inspiring speakers would be involved teaching and training would be done through personal mentoring and with help of management games, During the period of stay, food and kit would be provided at free of cost. Approximately around 30,000Rs($750 US Dollar ) would be
involved for the project, where this project being an Joint project between three rotaract clubs, East Coast, Akash and Chennai Central.
the Funds would be equally shared between each. Hope the viewer gives us a moral support on this initiative!

With Luv,
Rotaract Club Of East Coast

Enlighting Young Minds- "Pudhiya Padhai"

India, towards an creation of history for future. Believed to be the youngest country in the world!...We Indians need to prove not only the age of demographics to be same but, even the knowledge to be counted!! aah ah !!!....RCEC(Rotaract Club Of East Coast) had an blink over this issue....great the team geared up for an innovative project called "Pudhiya Padhai" oops in Tamil(A new way forward). We the rotaractors made an deliverable attempt. We visited the Juvenile near chennai, were people called the "minor criminals" are put up! for our knowledge its not true!!!, by their behavior and interaction with us...pulled our hearts!!!!
Bugs!...we trained in many activities for almost three weekends, visited their place, have thoughtful fun along with them!..and at the end they learned some thing al about life and their target achievement!.....
May be our first initiative, but we found that it was a life long Struggle for those young minds!...with less hopes in them!.......God made them...but left them this mistake of whom? a great question arises in my mind!...believe we could do something on this!....hopes our hope to bring their HOPE to come true!......many hope to be worked out! freak!